
Vakblad Uitvaart september 2014, rubriek Noviteiten

1001lichtjes wordt genoemd in de rubriek Noviteiten van het Vakblad Uitvaart van deze maand! Dank voor de vermelding. Lees hier het artikel

Signs of Life | Jeroen Hansen

Het fotoproject Signs of Life, is een fotografische ode aan bermmonumenten dat in 2009 ontstond. De foto’s van deze herdenkingsplekken voor overleden dierbaren zijn gemaakt in Nederland en in andere Europese landen. Vast staat dat nabestaanden de plek waar een dierbare voor het laatst in leven was, willen markeren. Door het monument vestigen ze daar de aandacht op, waardoor ook anderen even stilstaan bij de vergankelijkheid. 

Parents Share Devastating, Beautiful Photos To Break Down The Silence Around Stillbirth

This summer, California couple Emily and Richard Staley went through one of the most devastating experiences parents can endure when Emily delivered a stillborn baby girl. But thanks to the help of one photographer, their tragedy might help break down the silence around the little-discussed topic of stillbirth.

After about eight months of pregnancy, Emily Staley had grown accustomed to her unborn daughter's energetic kicking, Fstoppers reports. So she knew something was wrong one morning when she didn't feel the baby moving at all. A hospital visit and ultrasound revealed the painful truth: Her baby had died in utero. Reeling from shock and grief, Staley arranged to deliver her stillborn daughter via C-section early the next morning, when Richard could be by her side. And, through the help of a friend, she arranged to have a photographer at the hospital to capture this important time for her family. This practice is not uncommon, as individual photographers and organizations like Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep have been providing "remembrance photography" to parents for many years.